In 2021, we are the WINNER of
Top Leadership Coaching Book
ICF Foundation Campaign -
ICF Foundation purchased a total of 3,500 copies to be distributed to ICF Coaches, Leaders with donation made to ICF Foundation in 2021!


2000 - 2011
Hong Kong Most Valuable Companies 2000 - 2011

Master Coaching For Transformational Change Certification (MCTC)
ICF Accredited Coaching Program

101 Top Global Coaching Leaders 2018-1019
Margie S Poon
Dr Robert Edmonson

International Coaching Federation Credential
Professional Certified Coaches
Dr Robert Edmonson
Margie Poon
Vivian Chong
Erica Yanney
Professional Certified Coaches
Paradigm21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy Team

Celebrated 16th Anniversary, moving into 17th Anniversary in 2023
Paradigm21 Group
Since 2006
Professional Coaching For Transformational Change Certification (PCTC)
ICF Accredited Coaching Program
These are Professional Coaching Programs Accredited by International Coaching Federation (ICF)


Paradigm21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy is an ICF Accredited Coaching Education & Training Organization offering Full Coaching Programs

Paradigm21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy
A Division of Paradigm21 Group

Paradigm21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy
is a
Corporate Member of

Paradigm21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy
PCTC MCTC Programs
Students may apply for Coaching Certificate from University of Sunderland in Hong Kong

From 16 th Anniversary 2022 to
17th Anniversary 2023
Professional Transformational Coaching
Founded in 2006
C-Suite Executive Coaching Specialist
Paradigm21 Group (P21)
specializes in Executive Coaching for C-suite &
Coaching Training for MNCs
Research Based Coaching Publication
In 2008, Paradigm21 (P21) publishes Leadership Coaching Book Series
with 1st Book "What Great Leaders Should Know .. In Chaotic Times: To Maximize Performance, Reinvent Organization" - research based on powerful concepts of NLP, EQ, Positive Psychology, Solution-Focused thinking & latest Neuroscience research
"7 Multiple Leadership Intelligence"
"8 SMART Leadership Solutions"
- all Airport Bestsellers from 2009-2014.
Coaching & Education Awards
"Airport Book Best sellers" 2009-2014
"Hong Kong Most Valuable Companies 2011".
"101 Global Coaching Leaders - World HR Congress 2018-2019"
"Best Organizational Development Center 2018"
"Best Talent Coaching Leader Hong Kong 2020"
"CEO Today Executive Coach 2022"
"Best Coaching Education Hong Kong 2023"
Global Accreditation & Recognition
Our P21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy Division,
is recognized as Global No. 1 International Coaching Federation
(ICF) Gold Standard Professional Coaching Education Organization
providing Coach Certification
in major countries including Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, USA.
In 2021, Paradigm21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy is honored
to be the only Winner of the Leadership Coaching Book Campaign of
International Coaching Federation (ICF) Foundation -
We are honored ICF Foundation purchased 3,500 copies of our
award-winning book
"What Great Leaders Should Know .. In Chaotic Times"
in 2021
distributed to global ICF members, leaders, donors
in 45 countries in the world
In 2022, our founder is awarded
"CEO Executive Coach in Hong Kong" by
CEO Today Media Group
In 2023, AI Business Excellence Award to Paradigm21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy as
Empower the World via Coaching In 45 countries
With decades of executive coaching experience, Paradigm21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy, a Division of Paradigm21 Group (P21)
provides World No. 1 International Coaching Federation Accredited Professional Coaching Programs
Join our 10,000 Local & Global Leaders
Leaders from MNCs, local & NGOs,
CEO, C-Suite, GM, Senior & Mid managers, Emergent Talents,
Human Resources Professionals, OD, L & D, Trainers,
Internal & External Coaches,
Executive, Business, Career & Life Coaches, Teachers,
Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Business Development Professionals .. and
Change Agents who aspire to Empower the World through Coaching!!
P21 provides customized, practical, proven effective executive coaching, talent, leadership development, change programs and more.
We are also a creative, innovative organizational development centre with 30+ popular leadership books... helping leaders to cope with daily challenges and organizations accelerate the growth of 'Current' & 'Future' leaders.
Ask For Our Multi-culture Multi-lingual Executive & Career Coaches!
Join our Global Executive Coach Panel Now!
Our associates are experienced professionals and have faced
constant change & business challenges.
They are also ICF Credentialed ACC, PCC, MCC Executive Coaches
& Certified Change Management Practitioners.
So awarded... "Global Coaching Leaders"

Praises From Leaders Around the World

Congrats to some of our P21 Alumni
Recent Achievements -
Congratulations To
Brian Tsoi ACC PCC - General Manager, Cathay Pacific Airways
Karen Chan ACC PCC - Global Project Director, Biggest Law firm in the World, Life Coach
Vivian Chong ACC PCC - Ex-Human Resources Director, Oxford University Press
Erica Yanney ACC PCC - Career Coach, Altitude Career Coaching
Montana Chan ACC PCC - Executive Coach, Ex- L& D Director MNC, Shanghai
John Keane ACC PCC - Wellness & Performance Coach, ex-VP Education
Eva Ng PCC - Head of Customer Experience Training, Cathay Pacific Airways
Deborah Leung PCC - L & D Manager Customer Experience Training, Cathay Pacific Airways
Maple Ho PCC - HRM Logistics, HK Macau China
Wai Oon Lam ACC - Ex Dell Director, Singapore
Humaira Syed PCC - Transformational Coach, Japan
Tammy Wong ACC PCC - HRD, DKSH
Jessie Qin ACC PCC - Head of HR Projects, Chanel
Natina Wong ACC PCC - GM Facility Management, Transformation Coach
Joey Lau ACC - AVP HR DBS Bank, Career Coach
Elain Lun ACC - HR Director, MNC
Kana Mok ACC - HR Director, MNC
Janice Lo ACC - Ex- Education Director L'Oreal, Executive Coach, Canada
Pakki Chan ACC - Head External Affairs, Outward Bound
Daniel Agudelo ACC -ex VP L& D Shangri-La Global HK, now in Dubai
David Siu ACC - Executive Coach, Ex-GM Nike, Apple
Iris Garcia ACC - Regional HR Learning Philippines
Martina Hui ACC - Marketing Director MNC, Transformation Coach
Nalinrat Rattanajit ACC - Director L&D Shangri-La HK
Samantha Leung ACC - Transformational Coach, BD Manager MNC
Tammy Wong PCC - HR Director, MNC
Wayce Wong ACC - NGO Counsellor, Transformational Coach, UK
Jane Leung ACC - Country Manager, MNC HK
Michelle Lee ACC - Social Worker, Transformational Coach
Rosa Chiu ACC - ex GM HR Bank, Transformational Coach
Selina Wong ACC - ex-HRD, Transformational Coach
Jerome de Clarens ACC - Ex soccer player, Sales Professional, Performance Coach
Nikki Wong ACC - Co-Founder B Purpose Bureau, Transformational Coach
Selina Wong ACC - ex HRD, MNC, Transformational Coach
Alec Chow ACC - ex HRM, CITIC, HR Consultant Canada
Alice Cheung ACC - ex Luxury Retail Trainer, Trainer & Coach
June Grant ACC - Transformational Coach, Singapore
Yuling Xu ACC - Executive Coach, Consultant, Singapore
Lester Ng ACC - HRO, MNC
Kevin Yao ACC - Marketing Director, Nike, Greater China, Shanghai, USA
Christina So ACC - Head of ACCA, Hong Kong
Sheila Eber ACC PCC - Executive Coach, ex-HR Deloitte, Singapore
Calvin Tsang ACC - Chairman, Esquel Holdings China
Anita Wong ACC - Asia Corporate lawyer HK
Joseph Chan ACC- ex UBS Talent Development Director, Consultant
Miranda Che ACC - Ex MNC Retail Director, Transformational Coach
Michelle Leung ACC - Dep GM, HRD, Henderson Land
Alex Yeung PCC - HRD Galaxy Macau, Transformational Coach
Alexandra Lo ACC - Training Manager, Hong Kong
Michele Li ACC - Transformational Coach, Digital Marketer Taiwan
Vivian Tam ACC PCC - Principal Consultant Consultancy Firm
Christine Lau PCC - Managing Director, Recruiting & CV Company
Eva Lau ACC - Human Resources Director, Bank
Kalin Wu ACC - Learning Experience Designer, Relationship Coach
Wai Oon Lam ACC - ex Sales Director, Dell, Transformational Coach, Taiwan, Singapore
Andy Lai ACC PCC - Marketing Professor, Metropolitan University, Mentor Coach
Ricky NG ACC PCC - General Manager Investors Relation, COSTCO & Member Board of Director, Business Environment Council, University Students Mentor Coach
Dennis Chan ACC, Chief Responsible Officer, AAA Stock, Transformational Coach
Dr Chester Tsang ACC - Head of Learning, MTR Corp
& more .. JOIN OUR LIST now!