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Client Testimonials & Gallery

What our Clients Say...

Thank You For

All Your Support

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Vivian - HR Director

"Created deeper self-awareness of myself & others to bridge any relationship or communication gaps in & outside of work.
It also helped me earn my ICF ACC & PCC credentials sooner than I anticipated."
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Congrats to some of our P21 Alumni 

 Recent Achievements - 

Congratulations To


  • Brian Tsoi  ACC  PCC - General Manager, Cathay Pacific Airways

  • Karen Chan  ACC  PCC - Global Project Director, Biggest Law firm in the World, Life Coach

  • Vivian Chong  ACC  PCC - Ex-Human Resources Director, Oxford University Press

  • Erica Yanney   ACC  PCC - Career Coach, Altitude Career Coaching

  • Montana Chan  ACC PCC - Executive Coach, Ex- L& D Director MNC, Shanghai

  • John Keane  ACC PCC - Wellness & Performance Coach, ex-VP Education

  • Eva Ng  PCC -  Head of Customer Experience Training,  Cathay Pacific Airways

  • Deborah Leung  PCC - L & D Manager Customer Experience Training,                             Cathay Pacific Airways

  • Maple Ho  PCC - HRM Logistics, HK Macau, China

  • Humaira Syed PCC - Transformational Coach, Japan

  • Tammy Wong  ACC   PCC - HRD, DKSH

  • Jessie Qin ACC PCC - Head of HR Projects, Chanel

  • Natina Wong  ACC PCC - GM Facility Management, Transformation Coach

  • Joey Lau ACC - AVP HR DBS Bank, Career Coach

  • Elain Lun ACC -  HR Director, MNC

  • Kana Mok ACC - HR Director,  MNC

  • Janice Lo  ACC - Ex- Education Director L'Oreal, Executive Coach, Canada

  • Pakki Chan ACC - Head External Affairs, Outward Bound

  • Daniel Agudelo ACC -ex VP L& D Shangri-La Global HK, now Dubai

  • David Siu ACC - Executive Coach, Ex-GM Nike, Apple

  • Iris Garcia ACC - Regional HR Learning Philippines

  • Martina Hui ACC - Marketing Director MNC, Transformation Coach

  • Nalinrat Rattanajit ACC - Director L&D Shangri-La HK

  • Samantha Leung ACC - Transformational Coach, BD Manager MNC

  • Tammy Wong PCC - HR Director, MNC

  • Wayce Wong ACC - NGO Counsellor, Transformational Coach, UK

  • Jane Leung ACC -  Country Manager, MNC  HK

  • Michelle Lee ACC - Social Worker, Transformational Coach

  • Rosa Chiu ACC - ex GM HR Bank, Transformational Coach

  • Selina Wong ACC - ex-HRD, Transformational Coach

  • Wayne SIM PCC - Youth Coach, Singapore

  • Kaman Ho ACC - CFO Hong Kong

  • Jerome de Clarens  ACC - Ex soccer player, Sales Professional, Performance Coach

  • Nikki Wong ACC - Co-Founder B Purpose Bureau, Transformational Coach

  • Selina Wong ACC - ex HRD, MNC, Transformational Coach

  • Alec Chow ACC - ex HRM, CITIC, HR Consultant Canada

  • Alice Cheung ACC - ex Luxury Retail Trainer, Trainer & Coach

  • June Grant ACC - Transformational Coach, Singapore

  • Yuling Xu ACC - Executive Coach, Consultant, Singapore

  • Lester Ng ACC -  HRO, MNC

  • Kevin Yao ACC - Marketing Director, Nike, Greater China, Shanghai, USA

  • Christina So ACC - Head of ACCA, ex-GM, Hong Kong

  • Sheila Eber ACC PCC - Executive Coach, ex-HR Deloitte, Singapore

  • Calvin Tsang ACC - Chairman, Esquel Holdings China

  • Anita Wong ACC - Asia Corporate lawyer HK

  • Joseph Chan ACC-  ex UBS Talent Development Director, Consultant

  • Miranda Che ACC - Ex MNC Retail Director, Transformational Coach

  • Michelle Leung  ACC - Dep GM, HRD, Henderson Land 

  • Alex Yeung PCC - HRD Galaxy Macau, Transformational Coach

  • Alexandra Lo  ACC - Training Manager, Hong Kong

  • Michele Li  ACC -  Transformational Coach, Digital Marketer Taiwan

  • Vivian Tam ACC PCC - Principal Consultant Consultancy Firm

  • Christine Lau PCC - Managing Director, Recruiting & CV Company

  • Eva Lau  ACC -  Human Resources Director, Bank

  • Monica Liu  PCC,  L&D Director, MNC Hong Kong

  • Kalin Wu ACC - Learning Experience Designer, Relationship Coach

  • Weekee Ng ACC,  Shangrila Director Marketing​

  • Wai Oon ACC - ex Sales Director, Dell, Transformational Coach, Taiwan, Singapore

  • Andy Lai ACC PCC - Marketing Professor, Metropolitan University, Mentor Coach

  • Ricky NG ACC PCC -  General Manager Investors Relation, COSTCO  & Member Board of Director, Business Environment Council,  University Students Mentor Coach

  • Mary Choi ACC PCC - ex HR Director, MNC,  Consultant, Coach

  • Nikhil Nongia ACC -Learning &Development Director, Starbucks

  • Ellen Mo ACC - Systems Analyst HKEX, Parenting Coach

  • Rita Tsui ACC - HRD & Transformational Coach

  • Janice Lo - Ex L'Oreal Education Director, Coach, Canada

  • Dr Victoria Wang PCC - ex CHRO Havi, Consultant, Educator, Coach,                       HK, GBA, Shanghai

  • Ruby Lau  ACC - Talent L&D Cathay Pacific Airways

  • Lily Li PCC - Strategic Analyst 

  • Janice LO PCC -  Leadership Coach, L&D Trainer, Canada

  • Ho CT ACC - Strategic Consultant, Coach, Singapore

  • Geetika Agarwal PCC - Transformational Coach, Wellness, Singapore

  • Monica Liu - GM, MNC, Hong Kong

  • Sharlene Sung -  HRD MNC Hong Kong
  • Dr Ada Chung PCC - ex Education Director, Transformational Coach, Singapore

  • Francis Choo PCC - Board, Advisor, Ex- Chief Executive, Singapore

  • Dennis Chan ACC, Chief Responsible Officer, AAA Stock, Transformational Coach

  • Dr Chester Tsang  ACC PCC - Head of Learning, MTR Hong Kong

  • Benedicte Kroneberg ACC - Author, Wellness Coach Finland

  • Venus Tam ACC - MNC Director HR 

  • Shirley Chen ACC -  Coach Canada, HK

  • Andrew Hui ACC - GM MNC Hong Kong

  • Alice Wong ACC - Ex Executive Director Shanghai 

  • Carrie Chu ACC - Owner Yoga Studio Hong Kong

  • Fay Li ACC - Principal Recruiter Hong Kong

  • Louisa Lee ACC - Regional Head HR Hong Kong

  • Wendy Suen ACC - Head of Talent, Wellness, Hong Kong

  • & more .. JOIN OUR LIST now!



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Meet Your Alumni Network

Ken - Business Development Director

"Fantastic array of coaching models, materials & tools with facilitators highly passionate, experienced & knowledgeable about coaching"

Level 1:  ACC Pathway ( 3 Month - 66hr Program)
ACC Intakes

AE887)  11 Jun - 23 Sep -  Evening Zoom (ENGLISH)(CLOSE)
AC888) 15 -16 Jun **In-Person**
Weekend Intensive+ Zoom (CANTO)(CLOSE)
AE891)  22 July - 24 Oct  (ENGLISH)(CLOSE)

AE892)     21 Aug - 26 Nov  -  Evening Zoom (CANTONESE)(OPEN)
AE893)   5 September - 12 December  (ENGLISH) (OPEN)

AE895)   5 - 6 Oct ** In-Person** Weekend Intensive + Eve Zoom (ENGLISH) (OPEN)
***** Currently Updating*****


Level 2: PCC Pathway (4 Month - Top up 62 hr Program)
PCC Intakes

PC886)  6 Jun - 9 Nov  - Zoom (CANTONESE)(CLOSING)
PE890) 3 July - 4 Dec -   Zoom  (ENGLISH) (CLOSING)
PE894)  15 Oct - 12 Feb - Zoom (ENGLISH)(OPEN)
***Currently Updating***
Investment worthy courses   
Early Bird  HKD 19,700 or USD 2,525 * per level 
Promo: HKD 22,700 with Monthly Plans;  Last Minute Registration: HKD 26,000   
@  Level 1+ 2   PCC Bundle Discount
@  ACC |  PCC Bridging | Renewal 

@  Mentor & Exam Support
@ Corporate Classes

Got prior ICF Coach-specific training hours
Talk to us - NO obligation!!!


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P21 Gallery:   Congratulations Well Done ! 

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Congrats to some of our P21 Alumni 

 Recent Achievements - 

Congratulations To






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Multi Certifications

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Multi Awards Per Level

Certified Transformational Coach (Gold Award)

- Professional Coaching For Transformational Change (PCTC) (60+hr)

ICF Level 1 + Requirements + Apply for ICF-ACC Certificate & Credential


Certified Master Transformational Coach

- Master Coaching For Transformational Change (MCTC) (125+hr)

ICF Level 2 + Requirements + Apply for ICF-PCC Certificate & Credential 

Full Completion to Apply for 66hr and/or 128 hr Coaching Certificates of University of Sunderland for completed PCTC and MCTC levels

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What Clients say......

Coaching Training & Executive Coaching experience sharing .....


Congratulations to ICF-ACC & ICF-PCC Alumni

Margie Poon is a professional coach and excellent teacher in coaching.  I enjoyed a lot and learnt much in coaching skills.  It is very valuable to have Margie to guide me in professional coaching and becoming a Certified ICF Coach.  Paradigm21 is like a big family.  Classmates and teachers always support each other to achieve our targets.  I strongly recommend Margie and Paradigm 21 to my friends.

- Ricky Ng   PCC,  General Manager, Cosco Shipping & Member Board of Director, Business Environment Council, Mentor Coach

Margie Poon is a very experienced coach and certified coach-maker. She is very engaging, thoughtful, and well-prepared, in delivering her workshops.  She provides customized support to move us ahead and get through the rigorous yet fulfilling (ICF ACC - PCC ) journey to become a truly ready certified coach with ICF.

- Alex Yeung  PCC,  HRD MNC  Shanghai & HK, Transformational Coach

I had the pleasure of working with Margie as my trainer and mentor.  Not only does Margie have extensive experience and knowledge in delivering ICF coaching programs, she is passionate and committed to the success of those she trains.  For anyone seeking to obtain coaching skills and or credentials, I cannot recommend a better trainer.

- Karen Chan  PCC, Global Projects Director at world's largest law firm

Margie is patient, experienced and knowledgeable coach who is also a great coach mentor and trainer.  I have attended her ICF ACC and PCC coaching programs, where she imparted a great amount of both theoretical and practical knowledge to us, enhancing our ability to be the best coaches we can be! Great work Margie!

- Brian Tsoi   PCC, General Manager, Airport Service Delivery, ex Head of Learning at Cathay Pacific, Leadership Coach 

I am happy to meet Margie and enrolled the coaching course. It is not only a course learning about coaching but also a transformational course to myself too. Coaching is some magical technique to drive people go further in life.

Margie is a fantastic teacher! Knows how to make everybody feel welcome, is very knowledgeable and competent, and handles the content in a way that is pleasant and easy to follow. Studying with her you will get you much practical experience, and that is a huge differential in her class. I am thankful to have joined her class at Paradigm21. I Would recommend to anybody!

 - Erica de Abreu Santos Yanney PCC , Career Coach Pennsylvania USA

Highly recommended to take the classes.  The best training course with great Mentor I ever had before which lead me to achieve my ACC and PCC in the second year from International Coaching Federation.  Margie is a great professional executive coach. I learned a lot from her class and enjoyed the journey. She really transforms me. 

- Vivian Chong PCC, ex HR Director Oxford University Press, Executive Coach

What Clients say.

Margie is a professional coach and mentor leading me to be a certified coach. Her Paradigm21 PCTC and MCTC Programs are structured and inspiring me to acquire the skills and knowledge for attaining the ICF credentials and standards. During the classes I enjoyed the learning atmosphere and being part of the family with the cohorts. I would strongly recommend Margie and the Paradigm21 to my network.

- Quincy Tam PCC,  Managing Partner, Hong Kong Executive Search, Shanghai

I am delighted to recommend Margie Poon for her excellent work as my ICF program trainer and coach mentor. Margie's teaching was incredibly useful and instrumental in my journey towards becoming a PCC accredited coach. 
Margie's expertise in coaching is unparalleled, and her ability to impart her knowledge in a way that is easily understandable and practical is impressive. Her teaching style is engaging and tailored to the needs of each individual, and she has an innate ability to inspire and motivate her students to reach their full potential. Through her guidance and mentorship, I was able to gain the skills and confidence necessary to become a successful coach. Margie's support was instrumental in helping me to navigate the ICF accreditation process with ease, and I am grateful for her unwavering commitment to my success. Overall, I highly recommend Margie Poon as an ICF program trainer and coach mentor. She is a true professional, and her dedication to her students' success is unparalleled. Thank you, Margie, for all that you have done for me, and I wish you all the best.

- Montana Chan  PCC,  ex L&D Director MNC HK, Shanghai, Transformational Coach

I started my coaching journey with Margie and the team at Paradigm21 in 2021, and I have now just finished my Professional Coaching Certification with the International Coaching Federation. Under the mentorship of Margie, I learned so much about what it means to be a coach, and I couldn't be happier with my experience on my coaching journey under the mentorship of Margie. If you are interested in becoming a coach, I would highly recommend that you join one of the coaching cohorts at Paradigm21, where you will be guided step by step by world class mentors, and a wonderful cohort community peers.

- John Keane  PCC,  ex Education Director, Wellness, Performance Coach

Margie showed up in my life when I needed guidance the most. I'm blessed to have joined Margie’s P21 MCTC course. I’d like to thank Margie for upholding such high standards and being an excellent mentor coach to me. Thank you for your help in making my dream (to be an ICF-PCC) a reality. Your guidance and shared experiences have been invaluable.

- Natina Wong  PCC,  CRE & FM Professional, ex-GM MNC, Transformational Coach

Margie Poon has been more than supportive towards my coaching journey. She has been sharing with us more than just her knowledge and skills but also her experience as a Transformational Coach.  She demonstrates nothing but positivity and commitment to see all of us successfully achieve the ICF accreditation.  Couldn't ask for a better mentor!

- Nalinrat Rattanajit ACC,  Director of L&D Shangri-la Hong Kong Global

Margie Poon is a wonderful coach, teacher and mentor. Her kind support and guidance are very much appreciated.  Also, the entire training program is so well structured for our busy students and organized that I would recommend to anyone who is interested in this field

- Anita Wong ACC,   Director Asia Legal Counsel 

What Clients say.


Before joining Margie's Paradigm 21's coaching training program, I already had many lessons and training on coaching, from the "Grow" model to Nike/Apple's internal coaching trainings. I did not expect much when I signed up for this course, but I must say I am blown away by the experience. First, I love the way Margie worked hard to emphasize the difference between coaching, training, and consulting. This fundamentally changed how I worked with my clients and helped me focus my effort to become a better coach. I used to be all over the place. I would offer suggestions, take clients to solutions too soon, ignore clients' motivations, and "did the work for my client" instead of coaching them to find their own paths. I have evolved thanks to Margie's training. Second, the structure of the training was incredibly effective and supportive. Even though the training was conducted entirely via Zoom, due to COVID, the interaction and atmosphere was better than any of the in-person coaching training I have received in the past, even at my previous companies such as Nike and Apple. The trainer and facilitators made a considerable effort to make sure everyone got to participate without being pushy. They steered the conversation towards positivity, learning, and growth. They created a safe space for me to be vulnerable, which propelled me to thorough growth and ultimately, transformation. Lastly, I really appreciate the vast network of classmates and alumni from all the courses of Paradigm 21. I felt blessed to be in a community of folks who all shared the passion for personal growth and coaching/serving others. It's priceless to be able to find my own tribe! Thank you for this transformative experience. I am very grateful.

- David Siu  ACC,  Ex-GM  MNCs, Leadership Coach 


Margie guided us as our mentor in our journey to become transformational coaches at Paradigm21.  Throughout this journey, Margie involved us and pushed us out of our comfort zone to learn.  She was able to sustain our passion and enthusiasm by building social platforms for us to share and learn with other coaches globally.  Lastly by walking the talk, she has set the pace and cadence for us as future coaching leaders to help enrich others lives.  Thank you Margie.

- Kevin Yao  ACC,  Director Athlete Experience, Greater China, Nike, Shanghai China

I have found the learning experience from Margie extremely positive, the technique and approaches she taught me dramatically improved my coaching skills. She was very flexible and helpful. Her tips, tools, techniques, and suggestion was “spot on”. I am greatly thankful for that, it is enlightening, provoking, reflective and objective focus.

- Montana Chan  PCC ,  ex- L&D Director, MNC HK, Shanghai China, Executive Coach

Thank you Margie for guiding me on the journey to achieve my International Coach Federation (ICF) coaching credentials. I would like to express my deepest appreciation for your support and expertise throughout the process.

Under your guidance, I successfully transitioned from an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) to a Professional Certified Coach (PCC). This ACC and PCC progression wouldn't have been possible without your unwavering commitment to excellence and your exceptional coaching skills.
Throughout the journey, you consistently demonstrated your professionalism, knowledge, and passion for coaching.  I particularly appreciated your insightful feedback and guidance during our coaching practice sessions. Your keen observation and constructive critique helped me develop a greater awareness of my strengths and areas for improvement. Your dedication to ensuring that we mastered the necessary coaching skills and techniques was evident in every session.

I recommend Paradigm 21 Group to anyone seeking an exceptional facilitator and coach.

- Deborah Leung PCC, L& D Customer Experience Learning Manager, Cathay Pacific

Never stop learning and I am so lucky to take the coaching program facilitated by Margie, she is patient and willing to answer all my questions, and give me the advice on how to go through the challenges during the coaching session. Through her class, I have learnt the coaching techniques which equip me to be a more competent coach. Great learning experience!

- Kanas Mok  ACC, Head of Human Resources, AIG HK, Macau & Taiwan

Very happy to have chosen paradigm 21 to be an ACC coach in couples of months. Margie train us with professionalism and passion. Margie is inspiring and create a confident atmosphere with her students. It's a pleasure to be part of this program.

- Jerome de Clarens  ACC, Former Soccer Star, Life , Wellness & Transformational Coach

Margie is the one encourage me to kick start on my coaching learning journey with her In this period of uncertainty. She’s passionate on her teaching and a caring person personally. She’s like a glue to stick our classmates together as a family, encouraging us to meet schoolmates in other cohorts and practice coaching together. The program is very practical and informative. I’ll recommend Margie and Paradigm 21 to anyone who would like to pursuit coaching as your next profession!

- Alice Cheung  ACC, Ex Luxury Retail Trainer Coach,  Career Coach, City University of Hong Kong

What Clients say.

Margie is the best training coach any one can have. She is very knowledgeable, patient, detail-minded and caring. I did not only learn coaching knowledge and skills from her, but also understand what a good coach really is with her personal demonstration. Big thanks Margie.

- Pakki Chan  ACC, Head of External Affairs, ex Marketing Manager, Outward Bound Hong Kong

From the transformational coaching programme facilitated by Margie, I learned the coaching techniques that benefit me all my lifetime.  She is so dedicated in sharing her knowledge and experiences, and provides incisive feedback on individual coaching performance with the aim of grooming each and everyone to be a successful coach.

- Lester Ng  ACC,  Senior HR  Employee Relations, Modern Terminal

I joined Margie's ICF accredited program last January and just completed. I would say she has mastered the coaching skill and could deliver to us effortless.  We could easily hollow her path to practice and to excel our coaching skill under a tight schedule. I highly recommend her to whom aer interested in or to have a career in coaching.

- Francis Ng, Talent & Learning Professional, Hang Seng Bank

I was fortunate enough to experience first-hand Margie's expertise as the trainer and mentor on the Professional Coaching For Transformational Change training in HK in 2021.  Although I have taken a few coaching courses in the past, Margie's caring and support has breathed new perspective and life into my practice and increased my confidence.  Her own presence as a coach and mentor really gave me something to aspire to.

- Alexandra Lo ACC,  Training Officer, Yau Lee Holdings & #IamRemarkable Facilitator

I've had the pleasure of being trained by Margie for my ICF-coaching certification, and I must say I've enjoyed every lessons. Margie always brings immense experience and wisdom to the training sessions.

- Diana Rahman,  Author & Specialist Corporate Trainer in Singapore

Transformational Coaching has really brought me to the next level of my career.  It brings great positive enhancement to people.  Many thanks to Margie from Paradigm21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy, I do not hesitate to recommend it to anyone.

- Carman Chung ACC,  Human Resources Director Hermes

What Clients say.

Margie's coaching and training is powerful.  Inspiration could be made within few seconds. Really enjoy the journey with her and looking forward to next journey. Can't wait.

- Maple Ho, HR Manager, HK, S China & Taiwan, Logistics

- Appreciate for your effort throughout our lectures. Thanks for the solid and valuable Transformational Change course. During the course, I do feel the solid coaching and warm interaction between the classes. I learn the coaching skill as an outsider become a beginner of the coach. During practical session, I gain a chance to practice myself as a coach and client to understand the dynamic of the coaching session.  

- Jeremy, Resident Engineer  JMK Consulting Engineers

Margie Poon is a very encouraging and considerate mentor who shared loads of experience and knowledge to us. It’s always a lesson to me when I have chance to speak to Margie. Thanks again for your caring. It’s a very good start if you are interested in coaching. Transform to be someone who can influence people to transform.

- Eliz Cheung, Director of Wellness, Shangri-La Group

Completed an extraordinary training program on Coaching. It is a wonderful learning experience with the teammate. I totally recommend this inspiring and well-designed course if you strive to be a certified coach. Thanks Margie in leading this class with great passion, drive, focus, and humbleness. Appreciate your efforts in making positive impacts through your contribution and uncompromising dedication in your coaching works.

- Gordon Yiu, Senior Sales Operations Manager, Oracle

I am delightedly honored to be able to write this recommendation for Margie Poon, who has been both my coach and mentor in the field of coaching. Margie's expertise and dedication to coaching are unparalleled, and I have had the privilege of experiencing her exceptional guidance both as a client and a student.

As my coach, Margie possesses an extraordinary ability to facilitate self-discovery and personal growth. Her deep insights, active listening, and empathetic approach have been instrumental in helping me overcome challenges and achieve my professional goals. Margie's coaching style is not only effective but also transformative, and I have witnessed significant positive changes in my life and career under her guidance.

Furthermore, Margie is an outstanding educator in the coaching field. As a Master Trainer & Mentor she demonstrates commitment to raising the bar for coaching standards worldwide. I have had the privilege of being one of her students, and I can confidently say that her teachings are both comprehensive and inspiring. Margie's passion for coaching is contagious, and her ability to convey complex concepts in an accessible manner is truly commendable.

Margie's achievements, speak volumes about her contributions to the coaching community. Her commitment to excellence, continuous learning, and unwavering support for her clients and students make her an invaluable asset to anyone seeking to excel in the field of coaching.

In a nutshell, Margie Poon is not only a remarkable coach but also an extraordinary educator and leader in the coaching industry. I wholeheartedly recommend Margie to anyone in search of a coach, mentor, or educator who can guide them toward achieving their highest potential.

- Humaira Syed PCC, Transformational Coach, Japan

I had the opportunity to work with Margie during my PCC qualification journey. Her coaching style is grounded in maturity, experience, and calmness, which I found to be very inspiring. Margie's guidance was instrumental in helping me navigate the course. Her calm and composed approach created an ideal learning environment, allowing me to grow and develop at my own pace. I appreciate her inspiring approach and the maturity she brings to her coaching. Her assistance has been beneficial in my journey, and I highly recommend her as a coach

- Christine Lau, MD Lauris Walton, Founer JupCV, Hong Kong


“Coaching & Team-building with Impact".  Margie S Poon personally delivered a highly effective interactive, engaging, team coaching and team-building programme with key members of my staff during our annual national China event. The team feedback was beyond my expectations. Not only enjoyable, but they all clearly benefitted from the tips and techniques Margie embedded in their thinking. My personal observations are it has positively impacted their team spirit, attitudes and behaviors at work. Thanks Margie for your contribution to our success! 

- Chris Teunissen, Executive Director  Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency, Shanghai China


- Paradigm21 custom designed and delivered a proven and effective Leadership Development Program (LDP) which was conducted over a period of 1 year and Margie was the Facilitator for this program. Margie worked closely with the HR project team to ensure that the program would be implemented and delivered effectively. She possess strong knowledge on the leadership/people management topics.  Enlightening perspectives and insights were shared with the participants and the high practicality of the tools and methodology were demonstrated. LDP had provided the participants with enhanced behavioral and leadership competencies which are evidenced by their active application at the workplace with successes. It was a very delightful experience working with Paradigm21 and its team. I look forward to future opportunities working together and our continued partnership. Thank you, Margie and Paradigm 21.

-Angeline Ong, Regional HR Manager & Business Partner Dril-Quip Singapore

- Margie S Poon is one of the most skilled, knowledgeable and passionate coaches one can work with.  She is highly knowledgeable on a variety of developmental topics and inspired me to achieve my  sustainable developmental goals.  I have benefited immensely from her and would highly recommend Margie to anyone looking for a remarkable and par excellence coach!

- Suchismita Das,  Director & Cluster Head, MNC at HSBC Global  Singapore (2022)

What Clients say.

- "Margie Poon was my executive coach for four years.  We spent a lot of time on Paradigm21 Multiple Intelligence Thinking Styles (MITS) Model which provides insight into four main personal capabilities. Each results in a distinct leadership style. The application of the model offered a huge breakthrough as to how I understood people and their behavior in my work environment.  I was able to think, work and manage with better acceptance and more effective strategies.  We reviewed this model in variations time after time and applied it to new circumstances as time passed.  It never failed to provide access to new information of my surroundings.

Margie is a very personable coach who genuinely cares about my professional and as well personal development. She believes that a good executive can only perform when his or her life outside of work is cared about.  We spent time discussing striking a good balance between work and personal life.  

Margie is highly ethical and trustworthy.  All along the way, she kept the contents of our discussions strictly confidential.  I was very comfortable collaborating with her on strategies on any matters. Our relationship has developed from Margie being an executive coach to a great mentor of mine.

I highly recommend Margie to all management level professionals who seek for external or internal coaching in their very demanding workplaces."

- Nila Ng, Managing Director, Head of APG Listed Real Estate Investments, Asia Pacific  

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Coaching Experience

Every Client is our great leadership partnership in Empowering the World

through Transformational Coaching.    

"To give you some feedback on my coaching experience.


First of all I need to say that so far the overall experience and benefits have exceeded my initial expectations. Thanks to your Coach's patience, sensitivity and acumen I have been able to give a name to my demons. I understand getting the best of them will be a long process but now that I have clearly identified how they influence me I am very confident that I will prevail.


One of the most useful techniques I have been practicing with your Coach concerns the management of under performing colleagues. He has taught me to transform the negative ions of the situation into a transforming and positive force. I have also learned that one of the most important quality people expect from leader is consistence. It is not easy but it is very rewarding.


During the last session last week Robert and I discuss my objectives for the coming 90 days. I look forward to more improvements."

Managing Director  MNC Hong Kong


What is your opinion of the coaching engagement?

Engagement was high on both sides, coach and coachee. I think my engagement resulted in an accelerated pace of awareness and knowledge intake early on.


What knowledge and skills did you learn during the coaching sessions?

Knowledge acquired is mainly around the following aspects: bring change in people and in myself by "new wiring" as opposed to "fixing"; stop telling and start asking; coach people with a process (it is not just a casual conversation).


Skills that I developed are: improve relationship management with direct reports to bring about more creativity into the organization; develop more open relationship with my direct reports; bring stronger rapport with direct reports; encourage people to find answers in themselves by asking powerful questions.


What learning did you apply to your role that resulted in proven successes?

Ask questions, powerful questions, to uncover solutions and answers within others. Tell less, ask more. I don't need to have all the answers, I only need to have all the questions. We, people, are "wired" in many different ways and knowing my reports "traits" can help me improve my communication with them.


What personal transformations do you feel you have experienced?

I give greater attention to empowering my people / managers.  I focus more on discovering the greatness in others and leverage it for the benefit of the organization.


What would you say to someone considering working with your coach?  Go for it!


What do you feel is the ROI to your organization?

I believe the ROI is tangible and can be appreciated in the staff retention, the business growth of South region (region I am responsible for) as well as the improvement in the openness in the relationships within my management team. 

General Manager, MNC China



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Office: (+852) 28927608

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Paradigm21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy is an ICF Accredited Coaching Training Education Organization again approved by World no. 1 professional coaching credentialing body --  International Coaching Federation (ICF).

ACTP & ACSTH Programs retired in end 2022. We are one of the organizations who have quickly transitioned to ICF New Certification Programs --  ICF Level 1 & ICF Level 2 -- since Sept 2022 --  to fully train, mentor & support aspiring professional coaches & leaders to earn their  ICF Credentials via ACC & PCC Pathways. 


Paradigm 21 Executive Leadership Coaching Academy © 2022

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